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ComRead_en v.1.0 (Free Soft)

ComRead - a program for viewing data transmitted in industrial networks.

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§1 Description:

The program is designed to create a temporary scan data transmitted over the serial data channels. The program displays the received data for a preset time in the 10 proportional to the scans. The program is intended for viewing data exchange between devices, which are implemented via RS-485, Bell-202, Modbus and others in real time. The program is useful for determining the intervals between bursts of data transmission devices, such as weight terminals.

§2Program Description ComRead_en v.1.0:

Program ComRead v.1.0 is designed to determine the time intervals between packets of data transmitted in industrial networks using asynchronous serial protocols, such as: RS-232, RS-485, Bell-202, Hart-network, Modbus and others. Program ComRead v.1.0 allows you to view the data in digital form and text in real time. The principle of viewing data in real time based on the circular scanning data. For example, this principle is used in ray oscilloscope for viewing the form of an electrical signal.
Figure 1 we see that the serial channel, which analyzes the program ComRead, transmitted the same packet with an interval of 0.9 sec Reducing the time period, you increase the resolution of the program, which allows more accurately measured intervals.

Figure 1 shows the analysis of the interval duration in 3 seconds (1 scan = 0,3 sec).
Comread v.1.0

Red dot marks the current scan, the current scan is moved to a temporary ring the sample interval. Control the modem (interface converters) by using the buttons RTS Enb / RTS Dis, with which you can enable / disable signal COM port RTS. Similarly, using the buttons DTR Enb / DTR Dis can enable / disable signal DTR. Typically, these signals are used by converters to switch modes of reading / writing. Some devices use these signals to power. Therefore, connecting to networks with converters (modems) you need to know what signals should be included for normal operation

Fig.2 information in text form
Comread v.1.0

Connection to industrial networks by means of converter interfaces. Buttons for the on / off signals RTS and DTR are used to control modems. Figure 3 shows a diagram of the exchange of data transmitted between the two controllers on the network SLC500 DH485. This program ComRead does not interfere with controllers, since it works in listening mode network (ie, not making changes in the transmitted data stream).

Fig. 3 An example poll DH-485 network using ComRead
Connecting to a network Comread v.1.0 DH485

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