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ComRead_en v.2.0

The reader of data transmitted in industrial networks

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§1 Description:

Multifunctional program for reading and translation of data transmitted over the serial network. Supports data transmission standards: RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, ModBus, ProfiBus DP, DCON, DH-485, Hart and others. The program can display, transmit, store data that is transmitted over serial data paths in any direction.

§2 Functional description.

ComRead_en v.2.0 - multifunction program for analyzing data transmitted by serial communication channels with the possibility of transmission of data and service signals in both directions

Fig.1 The program window
Comread v.2.0

§3 Examples of use.

The options of using the program ComRead v.2.0 to work with a large number of sequential networks. Let us examine some of the options.


3.1 Full-duplex scanning data in the data exchange.

This scheme provides comprehensive information on bilateral exchange in the interface RS-232.

Fig.2 Scheme of embedding ComRead v.2.0 in RS-232
Comread v.2.0

The program in this mode requires the connection cable, the cable circuit is shown in Fig. 2 blue. This scheme allows read (write) the whole exchange procedure PCs and devices, including changes in service signals received and transmitted data. The program does not affect the exchange procedure in the network. The first port of the program saves all input signals, the second port of the program saves all output signals. Данные сохраняются в файле с указанием времени их поступления с точностью до сотых секунды. Thus, one can see not only the data and service signals, but also the location of these signals in time.

Fig.3 cable for ComRead v.2.0 full duplex
Cable Comread v.2.0


3.2 Data on the network.

This scheme allows you to translate the data transmitted in the network and record the data transmitted It should be noted that broadcast data will be delayed during the processing of their program ComRead v.2.0 Therefore, this scheme affects the network (as opposed to item 3.1), but there does not need a special cable (you can use a null modem cable)

Fig.4 Scheme of the connection with data transmission program ComRead v.2.0
Data translator Comread v.2.0


3.3 Transmission of data and service signals in the network.

This scheme allows broadcast signals to data and service signals. Thus in this scheme there are significant problems in the synchronization of fronts service signals on the data. This is due to inability to manage guaranteed synchronous process in the OS Windows (for details see paragraph 4.4 of the Guide)

Fig.5 Connection diagram for a two-way transmission of signals and data.
The transmitter data and service Comread v.2.0


3.4 Scheme of scanning data in the RS-485, ModBus, HART, etc.

This scheme allows you to view and record the entire exchange of data in half-duplex RS-485 networks, ModBus, Hart and others The scheme does not affect the functioning of the networks, because it operates only in listening mode (receiving) network.

Fig.6 Scheme of scanning half-duplex networks.
Scanning half-duplex Comread v.2.0

This scheme is sufficient to use only one port scanning programs ComRead v.2.0. All parcels in such networks are marked and have their address, which determine from whom and who sent a parcel. The program will write to your hard drive every time they make and send to within hundredths of a second.


3.5 The scheme of data transmission in half-duplex networks

This scheme allows you to transmit and record data in half-duplex networks, such as RS-485, ModBus, HART, etc. Here we must take into account that the transfer of data creates a temporary delay in data transmission.

Рис.7 Translation data in RS-485
Translator RS-485 Comread v.2.0

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